This past week’s tot-school… …was our normality. Embarking on the second half of the alphabet Tot-school has become quite a part of the life of the house. Adam’s desire to learn more and more is evident in his choice of video material and in...
Teaching from a young age
To expand experience and widen exposure.
We started out totschool journey shortly before Adam’s 2nd birthday and we’ve continued with the process into preschool. It’s a beautiful way to expose him to concepts, not to push early literacy or formal education early. It has always been an option not a necessity for us as a family..
Tot-school | Week 14 | Letter N
Tot-school | Week 13 | Letter M
This week’s tot-school… …was stir crazy! For much of the week temperatures outside regularly dropped into the double figures and our poor little guy had to do with being cooped up all day, sometimes only exploring one room at a time as the doors...
Tot-school | Week 12 | Letter L
This week’s tot-school… …was back in action! Though it was still the Christmas season, which for us is sandwiched between 2 Christmas days’ (the second Orthodox) and New year had barely finished ringing us in, I was eager to get back into our...
Tot-school | Week 11 | Letter K
This week’s tot-school… …was hopping! There is something heartrendingly adorable about the way Adam says “Kangaroo-u” and we heard that a lot this week. It was a really popular theme and let us do a nice range of activities, coupled with...
Tot-school | Week 10 | Letter J
This week’s tot-school… …was Joyful! Oh if i could repeat this week I would do so willingly, it was fabulous. This week routine returned to the household and totschool thrived. The key concepts of juice and jumper were readily accepted and explored,...
Between preschool and flashcards…
We visited friends the other week and saw their flashcard book. They were involved flashcards, by which I mean they posed questions about position, size, order and other relative concepts as well as absolutes like colours. Another parent learnt I was doing tot-school...
Tot-school | Week 9 | Letter I
This week’s tot-school… …was handicapped! Many alphabetical letters have too many basic words to choose from, not so with the letter I. It’s a tough week to find resources for and very hard to find things that a toddler will recognise that use...
Tot-school | Week 8 | Letter H
This week’s tot-school… …was compact! Letter H was awash with ideas as there are so many great H related things we could use. For the printable pack we went with Horse (which Adam calls a ‘horsie’) and house, but that didn’t stop us...
Tot-school | Week 7 | Letter G
This week’s tot-school… …was custom made! I found the letter G really tough to resource. We’d used the word ‘present’ for Adam’s recent birthday so none of the ‘gift’ based resources would work. Alternative packs...
Tot-school | Week 6 | Letter F
This week’s tot-school… …was over in a flash! This week I’m going to start by admitting my recording chart was rather neglected so the write-up is in large parts a guess based on vague memory and photo evidence. The activities were really...
Tot-school | Week 5 | Letter E
This week’s tot-school… …was a short burst of creativity! This week we did 4 days of totschool. Mummy and Daddy spent Tuesday shopping for Birthday presents so weren’t about and the week ended with a special party on Saturday night in a soft...
Tot-school | Week 4 | Letter D
This week’s tot-school… …we muddled through! The great thing about tot-school is that disaster isn’t possible. Our key word the first time through the alphabet is exposure, exposure to new words, new concepts, new letters… not learning,...