Tot-school | Week 12 | Letter LJanuary 10, 2017

This week’s tot-school…
…was back in action!
Though it was still the Christmas season, which for us is sandwiched between 2 Christmas days’ (the second Orthodox) and New year had barely finished ringing us in, I was eager to get back into our routines. Adam took to the activities with gusto, I suspect he’d been missing it. It’s clear that he’s much further on that when we started and so this week I trialled a few new activities.
While the letter ‘L’ is easy to resource we kept this week quite striped down concentration on our new elements and limiting the number of activities. Limiting the mess helped when on Thursday night we ended up carrying the cot into the sitting room and embarking on 3 days of living in one room. It happened just as temperatures dropped dramatically (we’ve been on Red Warning for Extreme Low Temperatures) so it was a real mixed blessing. However, Tot-school suspended on Friday left me realising how much we’d left undone.
The pack I’ve made is available for download at the end of the post.
This weeks read more questions:
Restarting has to be high on the list but the lion mask was soon separated from the rest of the totschool paraphanalia and much played with.
The ladybug trails and the big letter pages were pretty much ignored. I think this was mostly because the letter itself is fairly dull in construction and I’d made the trails too short.
Letter baskets, or sometimes called ‘discovery baskets’ are something I’ve shied away from in the past so it may be odd for me to choose to use them now. Adam loves to empty and fill things rather than root though them. As he gets better at recognising that things ‘live’ in certain places this basket was a litmus test of sorts. He responded really well and I’ll probably continue to do this but they simply wouldn’t have worked earlier than this.
Week 12 : Letter L
* denotes custom resources available as part of the pack
The plan today was to start with the letter basket. I’d photographed the letters to make this a matching activity so Adam would understand the basket wasn’t a empty and fill kind of thing. From there we did our usual letter tracing mats, followed by the bottle caps page. Adam was eager for more so I brought out out the letter ‘L’ tree which he covered in fabric leaves.
1) Letter basket.
2) Capital and lower case letter tracing mats
3) Caps match page *
4) Letter L tree *
Usually we would have made the letter spinner on Tuesday but with the basket of objects to review I plumped for the buttons instead. We also did the pre-writing picture match page using the Crayola Dry Erase Activity Centre which I picked up over the holidays (found this for under a fiver, had a look online and prices vary wildly). I had also cut out some shapes to make a lion, a hand drawn body, mane and head. While Adam put this together with some modeling he didn’t really take to it.
1) Upper and lowercase Letter and image dot pages *
2) Picture match page *
3) Lion construction
Today I wanted to work on making marks. I’d covered a tray with a layer of soft play-dough and we used items from the letter basket as well as a pencil to practice making marks. We did this for almost the whole time. Adam loved the pencil so I grabbed the ladybird trails page to see if he’d like to trace the lines on that with his finger of the pencil but got a solid reject. Lastly we did our puzzle, this week I chose the lion and split it into a nice simple 3 strips.
1) Mark Making
2 )9 Piece puzzle – Lion *
3) Ladybird trails *
Another day and another new concept – we tried some paint resist. I’d made up really watery poster paint (2 drops of blue, yellow & while) and pre-drawn 2 leaves with white crayon resist veins. Adam did really well with controlling the paintbrush for his first time though he did get a bit of help to finish. While mummy cleared up Adam repeated the caps page and then came a lion mask I’d found online. We had a lot of fun for the rest of the day being chased by the roaring lion.
1) Paint resist
2) Lion mask
2) Caps page *
No Tot-school for us today. I have lots of bits left unused in the download pack so hopefully they can bless someone else.
Here is the preview of the pages in the pack I made- Click on the button below for the download. Do let me know what you think – I’d love your comments!
Linking up with 1+1+1=1 : Leaping back in ~ Letter L {26 mos.}
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