The Isolated MaryDecember 16, 2019

These little figures of Mary and Joseph have been travelling around our house for a few days as they make their way to Bethlehem. As I placed their forms before a map and was hit afresh how isolated Mary became.
I’ve never really identified well with Mary. A slightly condescending lecturer once told me that I’d really connect to her once I’d experienced motherhood, a strange claim from a man and one that did not bear the predicted fruit. But here, in these twee little figures and their glazed smiles I met Mary.
As her journey framed my own I felt the deep tug of being displaced – a feeling I’m struggling with as I embark on my first Christmas without my parents.
Christmas PackNovember 25, 2019
I’m beyond excited to offer this Christmas pack. Officially it is a support pack to the Jesus-Without-Language 4 lesson set – but as Christmas is so universal it totally stands alone!

This pack follows the story though the major players Mary, Joseph, Shepherd and Magi.
An Experiment to Remember : ReviewNovember 1, 2019

Advent, that month long waiting, is a time many choose to do something special and it’s no surprise the internet is awash with ideas. From paper-chains with the names of Christ on each to to ornate and expensive daily ornaments, all ideas designed to build up until the day we can sing that Christ has come and Emmanuel is held by a humble carpenter and his teenage bride. Last year I did prompt cards (over on JWL) but I was also privileged to get a copy of “An Experiment to Remember”. (more…)