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United Kingdom PackMay 31, 2019

Some packs I choose, and others choose us. We’ve not been in the UK since March but Adam had reason to revisit those memories at at his morning nursery group and so I made up a United Kingdom Preschool pack to follow through the theme at home. 

This pack covers various aspects from the double-decker buses, phone boxes and Queen at the tower of London to more specific aspects – the town crier of Wells and the crescent houses of Bath. It also has a couple of pages about Old London Bridge which inspired the nursery rhyme.

Preschool Spring Pack

I’ve not got photo’s of this pack in action sadly. though most pages are inspired by either books we’ve read or places we’ve seen.


Easter packApril 12, 2019

As well as reading the Easter story and following along with the daily holy week activities from Jesus-Without-Language we incorporate holy week into our preschool activities. This pack was made to support that journey.

Preschool Spring Pack

This pack follows holy week from Palm Sunday to Good Friday with 2 activity pages and a craft for each day.


Spring PackMarch 22, 2019

Spring feels like releasing the shackles in our house, the kids start screaming down the street on their various wheels, the trees explode into life and we regain the use of our unheated dining room where we can once again sit and do our table activities

Preschool Spring Pack

So eager were we to grab some new pages the pack wasn’t even complete before it was printed. Adam is loving pencil work right now so we added it into some of the activities.

This spring pack has the usual 12 pages of activities and there is a freebie extra page at the end of this post. (more…)