Summer Reading 8 -10August 12, 2018

I was tired and grumpy, seeming to have lost my spark and with the boys only just recovering from being knocked down with horrid summer colds we were overdoing binge watching, facebook vortex and general screen time zombie-ism. August had dawned and summer stretched unending ahead. With the 7th book reached in the summer reading challenge I decided to ease up and stop reading in bed for a few days in the hopes to get my mornings back after sleeping later and later. It didn’t stop me diving into a chapter here and there when life went quiet.
The next two books on my potential list were both ones I was looking forward to, a lighthearted tale of night-shift doctoring and a book by my friend Mina about young children in the church. I’ve never been to great at keeping multiple books on the go and true to form I read a couple of chapters of one then polished the other off. I then went off to find some more fiction to keep the balance and got sucked into a deep tale that I’d probably have ruined for myself if I’d lazily watched the movie.
Summer Reading 5+6+7July 22, 2018

Usually I read before bedtime, this last slot of the day used to hold meaningless browsing and equally addictive game apps but no longer. Sometimes I get the odd extra time but this past week, with my little one being ill, I’ve had time a plenty to indulge the summer reading challenge as he’s laid his head down through the day. Reaching the 7 book target has been wonderful though the three books I’ve covered couldn’t be more different.
I’d spent most of the year in non fiction and so before the challenge I read a YA box-set. Book 5 was supposed to be that category too but somehow I went wrong in my browsing and ended up choosing almost entirely by the cover. In book 6 (memoir/translated) I read one harrowing chapter after another and, not wanting to sleep with such images in my mind, I plumped to read as much as possible during the day. Hot on its heels came the soothing balm of an easy read mystery in quintessential England.
Summer Reading 4July 11, 2018

We are blessed to spend Sundays with Baba, at her house on the outskirts of the city. This year, as I’ve nurtured my love of reading I’ve taken to packing a tablet in the bag and this weekend as the electricity failed and the kids played I found myself swiftly ticking off another book for the summer reading challenge. In some ways this book was kind of a cheat addition to the challenge. I’d started the year delving into books about mission and motherhood, third culture kids and bilingual families. Amongst the books I’d read was “A-41: Essays on life and ministry abroad” by the Trotter duo. In there was the blog series that lead me to Timothy Sanford’s “I Have To Be Perfect”: (And Other Parsonage Heresies). I devoured them both and when this April I saw another book by Elizabeth trotter had been released I knew it must go into my reading list somehow.