Mission mummy tagline


Just to simply be a Mummy….

For that is what I am, perhaps you are too?

Being a mummy is a wonderful journey into proving all the books wrong and discovering that your kid doesn’t fit into either a round nor square hole, do join me for the journey.

The pushchair

The pushchair

When Adam was born some lovely people gave us some pennies to buy a pushchair, and we love it. When you buy a pushchair they make all these claims that it can do 50 thousand different things. Fumbling sales assistances make them look like transformer toys and...

The half birthday

The half birthday

For one so young every half birthday is a huge milestone, never more so than the first. Our baby reached his today, a full six months, twenty six weeks, half a year. In many ways we are a normal family, a mummy and daddy, a bouncing baby, a little house and a gaggle...