Moses and the Burning bushJune 26, 2020
This Pack about Moses and the burning bush is perfect for home, church or school use. It’s made specifically for the 3-5 year old range and brings in simple educational concepts.

Two years ago I trialed an idea for preschool packs that traveled through the bible stories. This was the pack used for that trial and it got such good feedback I’m resurrecting the project.
The packs cover a wide variety of preschool skills but avoid using pen control activities (ie there are no line tracing or writing pages). They use a softer form of the Jesus Without Language graphics so the characters will be familiar to them if they revisit the stories later.

As always this pack comes with a quick print guide that shows you each activity alongside the page number to print.
The pages are bright and fun to work with.
These four pages all get cut up and reassembled, the bush is covered in flames, the numbers are pegged to the trees, the picture is completed and the jigsaw reassembled.

Simple AB patterns and size sorting make quick mess free file folder games. The two play dough mats were probably the most popular pages in the pack, one you make a fleece and the other a beard.
The letter page for this pack is a giant M that can be filled with whatever small manipulatives you have on hand. There is a small wordless book for the children to remind themselves of the story. The other two pages are all about spotting, stray sheep and odd ones out!

The final two pages are the most optional. There is a little scene craft where Moses and his donkey set off for Egypt and a comic strip telling of the story.
As always there is a little pack freebie for you. This is a tiny game where you follow the maze like lines and collect the sheep. It’s very versitile, it could be used for pen control, counting or logic (don’t pass the same spot twice).
Click on the image to get this page for free!
This pack is available in both A4 and US letter by clicking on the button below.
ps. this whole pack is free on teachers pay teachers right now!
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