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Easter packApril 12, 2019

As well as reading the Easter story and following along with the daily holy week activities from Jesus-Without-Language we incorporate holy week into our preschool activities. This pack was made to support that journey.

Preschool Spring Pack

This pack follows holy week from Palm Sunday to Good Friday with 2 activity pages and a craft for each day.

Each page has brief instructions on and this pack includes a print guide too so you can easily navigate to the right page quickly.

As well as the daily activities it also includes the Holy week story cards and an extra letter activity.

Palm Sunday: riding to Jeruslem

A play dough mat, a maze and a diorama.

Holy Monday: overturning the temple money changers

A counting page, a chance to sort coins and make a money bag,


Holy Tuesday: the story of the 10 bridesmaids

A hidden object search, paint with oil and build with bricks

Holy Wednesday: anointing with perfume.

A smell sort, a shape match, and a collage.

Maundy Thursday: Passover meal.

Emotions identification, shadow match cards and split pin craft.


Good Friday: crucifixion and review

Dot markers page, letter order puzzle and review dominoes.


The pack freebie are these 3 overflow colouring pages.


The Full Pack is available in both A4 and US letter by clicking on the button below.


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