Mission mummy tagline


The delights of holding the ‘Missionary’ title

And the real shortcomings of that word too.

Learning to walk a line true to my faith and how it can be expressed in the culture around me as a living every day and ordinary mission overseas.

Infants and budget flights

Infants and budget flights

Next weekend we fly again. It’s only been a few weeks since our last trip and so the memory is fresh. Every parent hopes their child will sleep, we’ve learnt to know better. Luckily our flight is usually under the 3 hour mark, but sleep is not on his...

Removing gracefully – the Commune retreat.

Removing gracefully – the Commune retreat.

Retreat is such an odd word in my head, I hear it shouted as a cry of defeat which is truly ridiculous because often backing away can be the most strategic way to win. I imagine the rest of the world must see them as our ‘Godly holidays’ but these times of...

A new pallet

A new pallet

“How did Jesus actually die?” asked a small voice from the group of children who had been quizzing me on the old building that surrounded us. I was at the edge of the chancel in a church that betrayed a hotchpotch of generational changes, including the...

All for a bunch of Daffodils

All for a bunch of Daffodils

I saw them selling daffodils, huddled behind a bucket of posies, out in the gathering dusk on the Saturday evening. The yellow heads bobbed their strangely distinctive shapes, flooding my memory with images of Mothering Sunday. “Buy me some daffodils” I...



It’s been one of ‘those’ seasons of late. Life has blown up a storm, wind whipped and cowering under the latest wave I couldn’t bear to see if it was tidal or just a ripple, it would knock me down either way. I kept telling myself it was a...

The big screen

The big screen

It’s not extravagant but we didn’t need it but people think we are strange for not having one but we have other things we use instead but alternatives do have their limitations but our bank account is, in part at least, filled by donations but it would be...

Selling out

Selling out

I’m going to do it tomorrow My kids ministry website – Jesus without language – has been a constant work in progress since it’s first incarnation at the beginning of 2011. Every year I’m trying new ideas. I’ve tried adding...

the uncomfortable pyramid

the uncomfortable pyramid

I finish writing, upload a picture and hesitate, do I want to, dare to hit the publish button on this? The weeks word prompt was metaphor : a word I’ve toyed with and wrestled over, for so many things came to mind and yet nothing had stuck. It wasn’t until...

From the sapling to the seedling

From the sapling to the seedling

I’ve found myself loving the Facebook memory feature of late. January is full of eventful memories, interviews for jobs that weren’t to be, excitement as I prepared to visit Serbia for the first time, early days in married life and adapting to Serbian...

Restarting wiser

Restarting wiser

Over the last year I’ve become a fan of Velvet Ashes, It’s a site, a community, for women scattered across the globe, people who have called themselves missionaries, who still call themselves by that name, those about to dive into the water and those long...